Say cheese.
The Office.
The Daily News
1 I think I'll start this DN with a monologue from You're a Good Man,Charlie Brown in Comic Sans 36 pt:
<Music Under>
Charlie Brown: I think lunchtime is about the worst time of the day for me. Always having to sit here alone. Of course, sometimes mornings aren’t so pleasant, either – waking up and wondering if anyone would really miss me if I never got out of bed. Then there’s the night, too – lying there and thinking about all the stupid things I’ve done during the day. And all those hours in between – when I do all those stupid things. Well, lunchtime is among the worst times of the day for me.
Well, I guess I’d better see what I’ve got. [He opens the bag, unwraps a sandwich, and looks inside] Peanut butter. [He bites and chews] Some psychiatrists say that people who eat peanut butter sandwiches are lonely. I guess they’re right. And if you’re really lonely, the peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth. [He munches quietly, idly fingering the bench] Boy, the PTA sure did a good job of painting these benches. [He looks off to one side] There’s that cute little redheaded girl eating her lunch over there. I wonder what she’d do if I went over and asked her if I could sit and have lunch with her. She’d probably laugh right in my face. It’s hard on a face when it gets laughed in. There’s an empty place next to her on the bench. There’s no reason why I couldn’t just go over and sit there. I could do that right now. All I have to do is stand up. [He stands] I’m standing up. [He sits] I’m sitting down. I’m a coward. I’m so much of a coward she wouldn’t even think of looking at me. She hardly ever does look at me. In fact, I can’t remember her ever looking at me. Is there any reason in the world why she shouldn’t look at me? Is she so great and am I so small that she couldn’t spare one little moment just to…[He freezes] She’s looking at me. [In terror he looks one way, then another] She’s looking at me.
[His head looks all around, frantically trying to find something else to notice. His teeth clench. Tension builds. Then, with one motion, he pops the paper bag over his head]
1 It's Frideeeeeeeeee!!! Great week!
2 Got a LOT done and looking WAY forward to the rest of the school year.
3 I don't know about others, but I thought our opening went pretty smoothly.
4 Yesterday I went with my colleague Sean to get pho during our prep period, which is the last period of the day.
5 I haven't had a last-period-of-the day prep period since 2005.
6 At YB I tended to love that period of time, because I could have an hour breather before going into rehearsals for shows. I also loved it when there WEREN'T shows because I could get away and cruise, or enjoy a little free time, or simply hang in the Theatre with my guitar, amp and mic. Haven't had that sort of freedom in quite some time. Miss it!
7 It was fun having a common prep with a colleague. Sean is younger than I, and we are working together to develop some creative lessons that could incorporate the common core curriculum (now known as "standards," as though Sinatra used to croon them.) that is currently all the rage.
8 We took off at a little after 2 p.m. which seemed ungodly early to be leaving work for the day.
9 We left work to go to work, only in a much more pleasant surrounding. It was also out of the line of fire. Nobody could reach us. Quite worthy of hot pho and high fives.
10 Sean joined us last year. In fact, on the first day of school last year I walked in early and our Principal introduced me and asked if I could show him around.
11 He is a younger teacher, but clearly has all the love and passion it takes to be really good. He isn't afraid of anything, and is willing not only to take my lead on some pointers, but to give me input on modern trends.
12 We ran across each other last year, and always had laughs. It's a great combo; we had piping hot pho and exchanged "pedagogical methodology." #snootyconfusinglyconvolutedtermsforteachingmethods #trendthatmakesnonclaritythefashion #wrongwaytoteachclearwriting #andotherfancystuff
13 Here. This is from It is literally a cut and paste:
“This is a short book on writing because most books about writing are filled with bullshit. Fiction writers, present company included, don’t understand very much about what they do—not why it works when it’s good, not why it doesn't when it’s bad. I figured the shorter the book, the less the bullshit.
“One notable exception to the bullshit rule is The Elements of Style, by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White. There is little or no detectable bullshit in that book. (Of course it’s short; at eighty-five pages it’s much shorter than this one.) I’ll tell you now that every aspiring writer should read The Elements of Style. Rule 17 in the chapter titled “Principles of Composition” is “Omit needless words.” I will try to do that here.”
---On Writing, Second Forward
17 The entire trend in writing in 2013 is across-the-board training in "technical" writing. This makes sense in a world that is swiftly changing on a daily basis, and whose technological jargon is a must in order to keep companies current. Cisco just fired 3,000 workers worldwide because they couldn't keep up with the competition.
18 So I get it.
19 Unfortunately, technical writers tend to think they sound smarter if they use words like "pedagogical" rather than the simpler and more easily understood "teaching." They don't. They sound ridiculously stupid when they do that. Words like "pedagogical" should be run out of town with a cattle prod.
20 That's just one word. Multiply that times the millions of words times the millions of teachers buying into this trend. Rudolph Flesch would turn in his grave.
21 While the trend toward teaching technical writing seems exciting to an emerging technological language movement, it throws away all logical laws of clarity. The baby is being thrown out with the bath water. As a person who has taught clarity of thought in writing, I find myself staring down a dark abyss. I had a dream last night that my last copy of The ABC of Style fell out of my hands and vanished into that abyss.
22 If Flesch were around nowadays, you could be sure that he would "call out" this technology trend and declare it gobbledygook, which it is. How this trend has managed to supersede years of conciseness and clarity lessons is beyond me. For the layperson, here is the Merriam-Webster definition of gobbledygook. Please note the downward trend of its popularity:
noun ˈgä-bəl-dē-ˌgu̇k, -ˌgük
Definition of GOBBLEDYGOOK
- The report is just a bunch of gobbledygook.
- < Cut the gobbledygook and just tell me what the final cost of the car would be>
- Synonyms
- bafflegab, double-talk, gibberish (also gobbledegook), rigmarole (also rigamarole), song and dance
23 It is SO refreshing to see this. I don't see any control over the wildfire that is technical writing. I simply see uncontrolled and convoluted language instruction running rampant. It is difficult enough for teachers of English to teach clarity and conciseness, and now teachers of English are being told that we have to teach English the wrong way, AND with reckless abandon.
24 Anybody lookin'?
25 Following is a short list of words Rudolph Flesch would do away with. With which Rudolph Flesch would do away. With which Rudolph Flesch would hurl into an abyss: bespeak, natatorium, per annum, herewith, daresay, hiatus, devoid of, sans, pending, concomitant, burgeon, callow youth, and a host of others, including the word host. The ABC of Style is a fun book to have around. Grab one for a penny on Amazon. Can't beat it.
25 Moving on, Part One: <Boy, the PTA sure did a good job of painting these benches.>
26 Friday.
27 I had a GREAT week but I do welcome in Friday.
28 Dare I call it a week already?
29 I do dare.
30 It's late.
31 I kept writing this last night at 10:30, and then awakened early screaming.
32 No, it wasn't the loss of the Flesch book down the abyss.
33 It was the Aczone commercial where wimminz with acne had 10X mirrors as heads.
34 AND the Soda Stream commercial where you could make Crystal Light and Kool-Aid fizzy.
35 Why do they put those odd things on right before you go to sleep?
37 The fizzy one wasn't so bad, although in the realm of Kool-Aid I saw a guy making a full cup of sugar yellow and fizzy.
38 The Aczone wimminz with10X mirrors as heads gave me the genuine heebz.
39 I wanted to run out and jump into that abyss to run away from thems wimminz.
40 At least it would all be a dream, and at the bottom of the abyss, I would have some good reading.
41 AnywayZ...
42 Quick end-of-the week Tuggle: Tuggle # 3: It's simply "anyway" folks. No "s."
43 My guilt at not teaching you things is officially assuaged.
44 It's Friday.
46 I'll cut this short.
47 Have an awesome weekend. Fly low.
48 Peace
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